The church-plant in Barrio Sacchi has been growing slowly but surely over the last year. When we had the inauguration a year ago, there were about a dozen regular attendees, of whom six of us were from outside the neighbourhood. In recent weeks we have regularly been around 25-30 people, of whom all apart from the original six are from within Sacchi itself. Last weekend we had a little anniversary event, and it was good to look back over the last year and see where we have come. The kids club on Saturday afternoons regularly attracts around 40 children, all from within the neighbourhood, mostly from non-church families. Recently the church has also started putting on activities like volleyball for the older young people which has also generated a good response. In the church itself there is now a Bible-study once a week, a regular music group, home-made song-books, and a new-look shiny functional bathroom. Sacchi is a small self-contained community with some specific social needs, where one needs to move slowly and generate trust, so the fact that people are responding really is a sign of encouragement. We celebrated by inviting friends and family to a little service, a big cake, and a fantastic music group, Gauchos for Christ, who write and perform Christian music using traditional Argentinian folk styles. (The “Gaucho” being the traditional Argentinian cow-boy figure, beloved of national folk-lore).