We’ve been having fun with my sister and her three kids, over from the USA where they live. Joni is loving having three bigger cousins to entertain him. They never tire of playing “peek-a-boo” like his boring parents do. We all went to Southend for the day where he had his first taste (literally) of sand and sea.
Then the next day we recreated Southend in the garden, with the paddling pool, the sandpit, and some genuine Southend stones and shells. They added the sand to the water, and the water to the sand, and turned the garden into a giant mud pie… which I guess is a fairly accurate representation of Southend.
I bought a cool 6 man tent from ebay for fifty quid, it’s tall enough to stand up in, and it’ll only take ten minutes to put it up now we know how it goes. The kids spend the day playing hotels in it in the garden, and the more enthuseastic campers among us (read Hazel and the kids) have been sleeping out in it the last few nights. I love it when kids are un-sophisticated enough to enjoy making mud pies and sleeping outside, long may it last.